More on 40% better single-threaded performance in MariaDB

In my previous post I wrote about how I achived a >40% speedup on sysbench read-only using profile-guided optimisation (PGO). While this is a preliminary result, I though it was so interesting that it deserved early mention. The fact that any benchmark can be improved that much shows clearly that PGO is something worth looking… Continue reading More on 40% better single-threaded performance in MariaDB

40% better single-threaded performance in MariaDB

Continuing my investigation of single-threaded performance in the MariaDB server, I managed to increase throughput of single-threaded read-only sysbench by more than 40% so far: I use read-only sysbench 0.4.12 run like this: sysbench –num-threads=1 –test=oltp –oltp-test-mode=simple –oltp-read-only –oltp-skip-trx run And mysqld is run with minimal options: sql/mysqld –no-defaults –basedir=X –datadir=Y –innodb-buffer-pool-size=128M With modern high-performance… Continue reading 40% better single-threaded performance in MariaDB