I’ve worked with electronics for a number of years now, but somehow I have not had occasion to do much reverse-engineering of existing circuits. But today I got the chance with a nice LPBi14042 bicycle front light that was acting up a bit. Here is the PCB: The PCB is nicely laid out and quite… Continue reading LPBi14042 bicycle light
Tag: electronics
Hacking a box of 240×320 displays with the ESP8266
For the last few days, I have been playing with some small displays we have lying around in Labitat. We have ninety-odd of them from an old donation, and I thought it would be cool to be able to use them for some fun projects. The displays are ET024002DMU with a built-in ST7787 controller. They… Continue reading Hacking a box of 240×320 displays with the ESP8266
Arduino to the max: 11x11x11 LED-cube
March 29 2014 is Arduino day, also in Labitat. This is a good opportunity to describe my LED-cube: This LED-cube pulls a number of tricks to get the most out of just a single normal Arduino Uno. A meager 16 MHz and 2048 bytes of RAM goes a long way with sufficient ingenuity and creativity.… Continue reading Arduino to the max: 11x11x11 LED-cube