Debugging memory leaks in plugins with Valgrind

I had an interesting IRC discussion the other day with Monty Taylor about what turned out to be a limitation in Valgrind with respect to debugging memory leaks in dynamically loaded plugins. Monty Taylor’s original problem was with Drizzle, but as it turns out, it is common to all of the MySQL-derived code bases. When… Continue reading Debugging memory leaks in plugins with Valgrind

RunVM, a tool for automated scripting inside virtual machines

In the Autumn, I wrote about some experiments I did using KVM and virtual machines to build and test MariaDB binary packages on a number of different platforms. In the period since then I added some polish and refinements, and the system is now running well for some time. We build and test packages for… Continue reading RunVM, a tool for automated scripting inside virtual machines

MariaDB Buildbot configuration file published

I have now published the Buildbot configuration file that we use for our continuous integration tests in our Buildbot setup. Every push into main and development branches of MariaDB is built and tested on a range of platforms to catch and fix any problems early (and we also test MySQL releases before merging to easily… Continue reading MariaDB Buildbot configuration file published

Building MariaDB/MySQL with Buildbot and KVM

Testing and automation. These two are key to ensuring high quality of software releases. Ever since I worked briefly in the team at MySQL AB that is responsible for creating the binary (and source) packages of MySQL releases, I have had the vision of a fully automated release procedure. Whenever someone pushes a new commit… Continue reading Building MariaDB/MySQL with Buildbot and KVM

Valgrinding Drizzle

Like so many others, I got interested in the Drizzle project when it started. Some good ideas, lots of enthusiasm, and just pure GPL license, no “yes, we will take your work for free and sell proprietary licenses to it” SCA. I even started contributing some development, fixing a number of Valgrind-detected bugs in Drizzle.… Continue reading Valgrinding Drizzle

Placeholders and SQL injection, part 2

Actually, what I really wanted to blog about before getting carried away with irony yesterday was an old idea on how to force my developers to use placeholders exclusively for SQL queries in applications. As should be apparent from yesterdays blog entry, I am strongly in favour of using placeholders for interpolating values into SQL… Continue reading Placeholders and SQL injection, part 2

Det skal for øvrigt være med kælder!

En entreprenør får bestilling på et hus. Arkitekttegningerne kommer på plads, byggeriet går igang, der er rejsegilde, og man bliver klar til aflevering. Bygherren får nøglerne og flytter straks ind, flyttebilen er der allerede. Og da flyttelæsset er på plads, kommer det fra bygherren: “Hov forresten, jeg kommer i tanke om noget: Kan I ikke… Continue reading Det skal for øvrigt være med kælder!